Goya Banzai Max Pro Carbon.
Goya 2024-25 is the latest windsurfing collection, and it’s still top secret. If you get in touch with us, we can share some juicy details, and if you want to be one of the first to own one, you can pre-order it. Only a very limited number of sails will be available in the initial shipment…got it? But if you prefer to dream, you can always keep opening the product page; we’ll soon update it with more information.
Goya Banzai Max X-Pro.
Goya 2024-25 is the latest windsurfing collection, and it’s still top secret. If you get in touch with us, we can share some juicy details, and if you want to be one of the first to own one, you can pre-order it. Only a very limited number of sails will be available in the initial shipment…got it? But if you prefer to dream, you can always keep opening the product page; we’ll soon update it with more information.
Goya Banzai Max Pro.
Goya 2024-25 is the latest windsurfing collection, and it’s still top secret. If you get in touch with us, we can share some juicy details, and if you want to be one of the first to own one, you can pre-order it. Only a very limited number of sails will be available in the initial shipment…got it? But if you prefer to dream, you can always keep opening the product page; we’ll soon update it with more information.
Goya Banzai Surf Pro Carbon.
Goya 2024-25 is the latest windsurfing collection, and it’s still top secret. If you get in touch with us, we can share some juicy details, and if you want to be one of the first to own one, you can pre-order it. Only a very limited number of sails will be available in the initial shipment…got it? But if you prefer to dream, you can always keep opening the product page; we’ll soon update it with more information.
Goya Banzai Surf Iris Carbon.
Goya 2024-25 is the latest windsurfing collection, and it’s still top secret. If you get in touch with us, we can share some juicy details, and if you want to be one of the first to own one, you can pre-order it. Only a very limited number of sails will be available in the initial shipment…got it? But if you prefer to dream, you can always keep opening the product page; we’ll soon update it with more information.
Goya Banzai Surf X-Pro.
Goya 2024-25 is the latest windsurfing collection, and it’s still top secret. If you get in touch with us, we can share some juicy details, and if you want to be one of the first to own one, you can pre-order it. Only a very limited number of sails will be available in the initial shipment…got it? But if you prefer to dream, you can always keep opening the product page; we’ll soon update it with more information.
Goya Banzai Surf Pro.
Goya 2024-25 is the latest windsurfing collection, and it’s still top secret. If you get in touch with us, we can share some juicy details, and if you want to be one of the first to own one, you can pre-order it. Only a very limited number of sails will be available in the initial shipment…got it? But if you prefer to dream, you can always keep opening the product page; we’ll soon update it with more information.
Goya Banzai 11 Pro Carbon.
Goya 2024-25 is the latest windsurfing collection, and it’s still top secret. If you get in touch with us, we can share some juicy details, and if you want to be one of the first to own one, you can pre-order it. Only a very limited number of sails will be available in the initial shipment…got it? But if you prefer to dream, you can always keep opening the product page; we’ll soon update it with more information.
Goya Banzai 11 Iris Carbon.
Goya 2024-25 is the latest windsurfing collection, and it’s still top secret. If you get in touch with us, we can share some juicy details, and if you want to be one of the first to own one, you can pre-order it. Only a very limited number of sails will be available in the initial shipment…got it? But if you prefer to dream, you can always keep opening the product page; we’ll soon update it with more information.
Goya Banzai 11 X-Pro
Goya 2024-25 is the latest windsurfing collection, and it’s still top secret. If you get in touch with us, we can share some juicy details, and if you want to be one of the first to own one, you can pre-order it. Only a very limited number of sails will be available in the initial shipment…got it? But if you prefer to dream, you can always keep opening the product page; we’ll soon update it with more information.
Tavola da windsurf: come scegliere quella più adatta alle vostre esigenze
Prima di scegliere ed effettuare il primo acquisto, occorre sempre considerare il vostro livello attuale o le abilità che avete acquisito a bordo della tavola.
Sulla base di queste valutazioni, potrete poi capire quale tipologia di tavola windsurf optare.
Nello shop online potrete trovare tavole Wave, specificatamente disegnate per domare le onde e avere un’alta manovrabilità. Le tavole Freestyle invece sono leggerissime e resistenti, permettono evoluzioni incredibili grazie alla loro galleggiabilità distribuita equamente lungo tutta la superficie. Le tavole Freeride sono le più versatili del mercato, concepite per un windsurfista intermedio, che voglia cimentarsi nelle prime planate, nelle manovre veloci e anche in qualche piccolo salto.
Nel nostro windsurf store online troverete una selezione di tavole RRD, Severne, Starboard altri brand leader del settore, ma vi abbiamo riservato anche una ricca selezione di tavole windsurf usate.
Gli accessori giusti da abbinare alla tavola da windsurf
Tutto il necessario per portare la vostra tavola da windsurf ai massimi livelli. Uno degli accessori che potrebbero sembrare secondari ma che invece sono molto importanti, sono le pinne.
Le pinne per tavola windsurf forniscono resistenza e potenza, contro-bilanciando la forza laterale, permettendovi così di dirigere la vostra tavola.
Per scegliere al meglio questo accessorio dovrete considerare:
- L’area della vela
- L’altezza e peso del windsurfista
- Larghezza della poppa
- Tipo di navigazione
Riguardo le vele windsurf, altro accessorio importante, ci sentiamo di darvi un unico consiglio. Per orientarvi meglio nella scelta, valutate sempre tre elementi: resistenza, manovrabilità e scopo per cui verrà utilizzata la vela.
Impact Shop è il miglior attrezzatura windsurf
Disponibili i migliori marchi del settore in sconto come Simmer Style, Severne, RRD, Neil Pryde, Dakine, Sideon e tanti altri. Scegli Impact Shop per la competenza nel settore di oltre 15 anni, da sempre la nostra missione è la felicità e la performance dei nostri clienti.